Saturday, January 29, 2011

Issue #3 Countdown to Destruction

With all the school learn'ins and such, what little extra things I drew, I didn't get time to scan and post as midweek filler. So here's this weeks comic one day early!

Also be on the look out for my new project that is going to actually involve effort. That's right I'm storyboarding and making clean digital versions of a comic for once! It's going to be a collaborative effort so hopefully it will work well.... but with out further ado here is Issue #3 of poorly drawn Batman!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Issue #2 "Tea" N T for Two!

Trying to keep a Sunday update schedule here's issue #2 of Poorly Drawn Batman. Maybe eventually I'll start Coloring them (or drawing them less shitty) but for now with school I'm just proud of myself for getting anything drawn at all.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Issue #1 Symphony of Terror


Once, upon a time I was bored in Medieval History and decided to start doodling Batman pictures. The following comic is the poorly drawn (and full of grammatically erroneous) result. I debated going in and fixing all the errors but shit I'm not Stan Lee, so I left them in for comedic effect. I'm posting this for my friends but if you happen to have stumbled upon this and don't know me, I assure you I'm not retarded I just drew this in 15 minutes and spent 0 seconds spell checking it. ENJOY!